Martina and Jörg are convinced that wines are born in nature. They are shaped in the vineyard by the climate, soil, and surrounding ecosystem. The two of them work tirelessly to improve their sensitivity to these factors – and thereby their organic wines.
In order to capture and bring out the naturalness in the vines, the vineyard, along with the soil, must be as vital as possible. For this reason, Martina and Jörg work according to biodynamic principles.
Martina is the curious, adventurous young winemaker and daughter of Jörg. He is the down-to-earth nature lover who prefers to spend every minute in the vineyard and is Martina’s father. Together, they form the heart and soul of the family winery, with their strength lying in their unity.
Together, father and daughter were able to take a fresh look at the world of wine, experiment together, and develop a shared philosophy. They now pursue this with conviction.
»The conditions in Wolfsheim are unique. We capture that with our organic wines.«
Martina Bernhard
Our way of farming
Martina and Jörg work biodynamically out of conviction. This allows them to protect the environment, promote the uniqueness of nature, and at the same time achieve the highest quality in the vineyard.
The foundation for healthy vines is a vital soil. To support this, they focus on intentional cover crop management, meaning they deliberately sow clover and herb varieties that loosen the soil with their roots, introduce nutrients, and attract beneficial insects. This enables them to do without artificial fertilizers and enhance biodiversity in the vineyard.
Martina and Jörg support the vitality and natural defenses of their vines with strengthening agents like horn manure, horn silica, and plant teas, some of which they grow themselves. Their goal is not only to preserve their environment but to strengthen it. This way, future generations can continue their craft.